Hello! I'm Hollie, a 19 year old aspiring makeup artist and lipstick hoarder! I've been obsessed with makeup for as long as I can remember. In makeup there are as many endless brands, colors, textures, and finishes as there are makeup looks, and I'm fascinated with all of it! I love trying new products, creating new looks, and learning new techniques. This blog is where I share my personal experiences with makeup and my journey on becoming a makeup artist.
The way I came up with the name Eating Lipstick is a funny story. When I knew I wanted to start blogging, it took me forever to think of a title! One day I was eating lunch and thinking about how I always kiss my napkin before I eat, because I don't want to "eat lipstick". Then it hit me, hey Eating Lipstick! It's a bit silly when I think about it, but I love it.
Thank you for reading and supporting Eating Lipstick!