
Jun 17, 2013

Lime Crime Japan LA Event!

JapanLA, a cute little store on Melrose, had a birthday party for their seventh year in business.  LimeCrime, one of my favorite makeup brands, had a 'pop up shop' which is basically a little display full of products! Of course I wanted to go because the founder of LimeCrime Doe Deere and her cute crew was there, and I loved meeting her at IMATS LA. Plus, I will always take advantage of being able to swatch all of their bright, playful lipsticks, glitters, and lipglosses...  ok I just wanted to swatch everything!

Here's me standing in front of the Lime Crime 'pop up shop'! 

Here are some of the Lime Crime Opaque Lipsticks! (There were tons of people at the event, also swatching things so that's why some items are missing from the picture).  I currently own two shades, Airborne Unicorn and Retrofuturist. They are amazingly pigmented and super creamy. I can't wait to get more shades! 

This is me with Doe Deere and Katie! I love their dresses, I feel like I should have worn something with a bit more poof! Haha, but I still love this picture. 

The lovely Traci Hines was also at the event! I'm happy that I had the chance to see her again too! We talked all about Disney and her singing career. She is so nice, like I can't even begin to explain it. I really hope we get to talk again soon! 

Here's a photo of Doe and I that I found on the Lime Crime blog, which you can check out here for more photos of the event! 

I was so happy that I had the chance to talk with Doe again! The first time we met I could only think of a few questions to ask, I was so overwhelmed at with the fast-paced environment at IMATS. I asked her about what Lime Crime has planned for the future, and it sounds like there are some exciting new products in store! As we talked, I found out that she is huge Dita von Teese fan like me! We also talked about music, hair color, and how we both think Airborne Unicorn lipstick is universally flattering. 
Basically, Doe couldn't be any more awesome in my eyes! She is such a fun, sweet person to be around. I can't wait to see her again! 

I love how interactive that Lime Crime is with their fans. I have never had the chance to talk with someone so openly about their products before, and I honestly think that more companies should be as hands on. Doe was so kind to me! It really makes me feel valued as a customer, as a blogger, and as a long time fan. Doe even posted a picture of us on her Instagram, and if you follow me on there you know I was so flattered! Plus, I kind of freaked out that Lime Crime and Doe are now following me, AHHHH! :D 

I promise that I will review the two Lime Crime lipsticks that I have soon. I've been wearing them non-stop, so I will have a very detailed review for you! I also wanted to quickly mention that I found and bought the entire Maybeline Baby Lips Electro collection yesterday! I will have a review coming on those soon as well! 

Hope you all have a great week! I have many exciting posts/videos coming up, be sure to stay in touch with me! ♥ 


  1. So envious you got to be in a lime crime store and meet doe deere!! I love your outfit and your long black hair looks amazing!

    1. Thank you! It was actually at the clothing store Japan La, I wish there was a Lime Crime store, that would be so cool!

  2. that must have been so much fun!! I am so envious of you haha.
    You look really adorable. love your hair

  3. This event seems like so much fun! Very cool that you actually got to talk to the person behind the brand - such a rare opportunity! xo

  4. I love the Lime Crime lipsticks! So unique colours! Great post!

  5. How lovely that you got to meet Traci! You looked gorgeous x


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