
Jan 15, 2013

Maybelline Color Whisper Lipsticks

After trying and loving Maybelline's Vivids Collection,  I was anxious to test  the Color Whisper line. I had such high hopes when I made my purchase. I can never resist a newly released Maybelline product! Unfortunately, these lipsticks didn't perform the way that I expected them to. 

I love the slim packaged, brightly colored cases on these lipsticks. Oh La Lilac is not pictured here. I bought five before even trying one because I was so positive that I was going to like these! It's funny how sometimes things turn out to be the exact opposite.

Swatches from left to right: Cherry On Top, Pink Possibilities, Faint For Fuchsia, Petal Rebel, and Oh La Lilac.

Cherry on Top is the most pigmented of the shades I purchased. These swatches look a bit brighter on my arm, since it's pale. If you have pigmented lips already, the color isn't going to show up unless you gob on layers of lipstick. (Which is hard to do with this formula).

Claims: "Pure color pigments suspended in a weightless gel. No heavy waxes or oils. Soft, sexy gel-color."
Pigmentation: The biggest disappointment with these was the serious lack of pigmentation. I was so shocked at how watery the colors looked, they barely showed up! For a lipstick that claims to have pure color pigments, it was a total letdown. 
Finish/Texture: The finish was super shiny and beyond glossy, which I don't prefer when it comes to lipstick. The texture was very greasy, which caused the product to slip everywhere. 
Scent: There was an off-putting, soapy scent to these lipsticks. They smell nothing like the Colorsensational lipsticks, which have a slight sweet smell.
Lasting Power: There was no lasting power at all because of the slippery texture. 
Price: I paid $6 for each lipstick at Target.

  • The sleek, bright packaging is pretty
  • There is hardly any pigmentation
  • The scent is unpleasant
  • No staying power whatsoever
  • Finish is unbelievably greasy/causes transferring and patchyness
  • Color can't be built up easily 
I bought the Color Whisper lipsticks with high expectations. The pigmentation was so sheer, that it barely showed up on my lips. The lipstick formula had a greasy texture that was extremely difficult to layer to get opaque color.The finish was too glossy, which caused unflattering transferring around the mouth and short wear time. Although these lipsticks claim soft color, I was still saddened by the overall look, finish, and lasting power. If Maybelline would have marketed these as tinted lip balms, maybe I wouldn't have been as disappointed. 


  1. I'm sorry to hear about . I really hate putting my hopes in makeup to work and it let's me down! So what I always do is save the receipt and then return, getting my money back and spending on something I'll like more! Have you kept the receipt? If not, call and ask target if its okay to return makeup without a receipt. I know Walmart is lenient with the rule but I'm not sure about target. Good luck and thanks for the review! Love both blogs! :)

    1. Oh yes, I ALWAYS save my receipts. I returned these right afterwards! Target has a great policy. Thank you!

  2. Oh no, that's such a disappointment :( They do look more like tinted lip balms than pigmented lipsticks. And the soapy scent sounds terrible too. Sorry these weren't what you expected at all!

    1. Yes, it was. I am happy that I at least got try them though. You know how that urge of trying a new product doesn't go away until you buy it ;)

  3. Such a shame that they havent turned out how you expected. I guess if you're someone who isnt used to wearing lipstick they could be a good product to ease yourself into wearing (admittedly quite sheer) colour on your lips!

    Leanne @ Leanne-Marie | Beauty, fashion & lifestyle. x x

    1. Yes, I think that people who prefer shine or a natural color would really enjoy these. I am more of a bright lipstick person! Ha :)

  4. They don't pigmented at all. What a shame, I usually love Maybelline.

    1. I usually do too, but this time it didn't work out for me.

  5. Thanks for this review! I was debating whether or not to pick these up and I think i will pass now

    1. No problem! Yeah, they aren't worth the money.

  6. I thought these looks so pretty. Its sad to hear they're disappointing. Thanks for the honest review

  7. I got Cherry on Top. I love the color payoff actually. It's WAY more than I expected. It might just be that color though as it's the only one I've tried. I had a tinted balm in mind, too. So I love the color, but it doesn't last long and feels a bit greasy. I won't be getting another one.

    1. Yeah, Cherry on Top is the only one that gave any sort of payoff. It still wasn't enough for me to enjoy personally. I really wanted to like these, but they are so below average for Maybelline.

  8. Aw, I'm sad that you didn't like them. I ended up really liking the shades that I got! New follower by the way-LOVE your blog!

  9. Wow, perfect. Fortunately, I found your website!
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