
Jan 21, 2013


Yesterday was my first time experiencing the International Makeup Artist Trade Show, IMATS. It had always been a dream of mine to attend. I'm so happy that I finally had the chance to go and see everything. I met some of my favorite makeup artists and beauty gurus, saw fascinating art, and also got some great deals! It was absolute makeup heaven! 

First stop was at the Too Faced booth. The newly released Sweethearts Perfect Flush Blush was on sale for $18 (instead of $29). I can't resist anything heart-shaped and I'm not even going to try. The color is so gorgeous, I can't wait to review it!

My next goal was the Inglot counter. I've heard so many great things about their eye shadows. I bought 10 different shades, all neutrals! They had everything out to swatch, but it was a madhouse. People were pushing and everyone was all over the place.

I made sure that I stopped by the Makeupgeek booth, because I've wanted to try their shadows and meet Marlena! She was really sweet and her manager gave me a goodie bag since I waited so long for her to get there! The Sigma booth was absolute madness. I didn't even bother, because I don't really need any brushes and I didn't feel like waiting in line for 3-4 hours. Tiffany from MakeupByTiffanyD was doing makeovers and I'm really happy that I got to meet her in person! 

I'm so happy that I bumped into the super cheery Koren of EnKore Makeup! I stopped by the Eve Pearl booth and watched Eve do a live demo. She made the woman look like a model, I was blown away. They were both really down-to-Earth and kind people.

I made sure to stop by the Lit Cosmetics booth! Just look at all of the different colors of glitter! Everyone here was really nice and helpful. I didn't buy any though, because the base liquid was  expensive and I don't wear glitter much. However, I did enjoy looking at everything!

Ah, Limecrime. I've heard so many mixed reviews, sometimes it's hard to decide about a brand until you experience it for yourself. I had always been interested in Limecrime lipsticks, but I wanted to see them in person. I had the chance to meet Doe Deere and she was nice enough to help pick out which shades would look good with my complexion. 

Here's Doe and I! She was so nice, I'm really happy that I had the chance for her to explain to me what Limecrime is all about. She even shared our photo together on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and I thought that was cool. It just goes to show that sometimes you really need to look into things yourself and form your own opinion. Isn't her hair awesome? 

I ran into the amazingly talented Cora of Vintageortacky and Phyrra, the infamous beauty blogger! Bunny of Grav3yardgirl was just as hilarious and quirky in person. When I walked up to her she was staring at me, and I thought something was wrong, but she said "Oh my god you need to have a Youtbe channel, so I can watch your tutorials." I told her that I'm planning on it! 

 Here are some really cool creatures that were walking around! 

Here's the Sugarpill gang !I had never tried Sugarpill before, so it was really nice getting to see all of the products in person. It's was also cool to talk to Amy Doan, the owner! 

I needed a picture with the queens! Porcelain was so awesome to talk to. He was answering all of my drag questions! Haha, I loved how he even changed outfits later on. 

Here's a close up of the Sugarpill booth. The pigments and shadows in the middle were teasers, they aren't being released until sometime later this year! I bought the Tiara pigment, and I can't wait to start using it. 

I also had the chance to meet Glenn Hetrick, a special effects makeup artist and judge from the popular tv show Faceoff. Traci Hines, a spokes-model for Limecrime, was super nice to talk with! She also does a ton of Disney modeling, she is most known for portraying Ariel.

Well, that concludes my IMATS experience. I'm so happy that I finally had the chance to accomplish one of my dreams! IMATS was something that I had been wanting to go to for a couple of years now. It was definitely worth it! I had never experienced anything so interesting, fast-paced, and fun! It's like the Disneyland of makeup! 


  1. Loved this post! It was so interesting! I'm jealous! lol How long does IMATS last? And which one was the one you went to? :)

    1. I went on Saturday the 19th and it goes on from 8:30 am-5:00 pm.

  2. Oh my god, you met Bunny?! SO jealous!
    Looks like you had an amazing time! :)


  3. That's so exciting, looks like you had a fantastic time! How cool that you met all those YouTubers, I love Marlena and enjoy watching Tiffany's videos too! :)

  4. The blue Limecrime lipstick is insane!!!


  5. Looked like you had an awesome time, and I've just read your post on the things you bought!
    I am soooooo nervous for London's iMats incase I don't get the things on my list :/

    I love the queens <3 is one Petrilude??

    and oh dear, DOE! D: so perfect, both of your make ups were flawless.
    I'll stop ranting now :P


    1. I love the queens too, yes Petrilude is in the middle :)
      Goodluck with getting everything you want, it is going to be a bit hectic! I suggest bringing the list with you and make sure to get the things you really want first. Most booths sell out quickly.

      Thank you for the compliment. Doe is super pretty ♥


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